Landline - Book Review

Before I say anything about the book, I must confess that I've read only three of Rainbow Rowell's books (none of which are Eleanor & Park), and honestly? Her writing is so unique. Like, in every single book, it's different. I wouldn't believe that Fangirl, Carry On and Landline were written by the same person if I hadn't seen it on the cover.
With that being said, Landline is one of those modern feel-good fairytales, that just leaves you feeling all warm and happy inside. Not quite Sophie Kinsella, but more than Cecelia Ahern, if you know what I mean? (P.S. I am not sure if it's okay to compare three well-known authors like that, so bear in mind that I mean no offense, and love all of their works.)
The tale starts around a week before Christmas, when TV writer Georgie McCool discovers a magic telephone with which she is somehow able to call the past. She isn't sure if it's supposed to be a blessing or a curse, and if this is perhaps the universe's way of helping her fix her marriage that's not currently working out very well.
And maybe it's just the magic of Christmas?
It's hilarious, well-paced and heartwarmingly real. Overall, a sweet treat.
Fangirl Rating: 4/5