Fangirl's February

I didn't quite expect to be able to finish six books this month. Because, one, February is that annoying month that doesn't give you enough time for anything. And two, I am writing the most-important-holy-moly-this-it exams in March, basically my finals, so I had hoped I would actually like, study, or whatever it is that these mundanes expect me to do. But voila! I defied all expectations! But really, who am I kidding? Of course I was going to read my time away!
6. More Than This - Patrick Ness

I read a couple of reviews about how, although this book is brilliant, it drags at certain parts. But no. It doesn't. It is perfectly paced. This book is not about the plot, or the story. It's about being inside the mind of our protagonist.
The teenage mind is explored in this book, in such a different manner, in such a distinctive context, I was completely taken by surprise. I went into this book, not quite knowing what I was getting into, but I realize that is exactly how everyone should read it.
The title made like zero sense to me when I started, but this is one of those books where you reach that part and go all 'aahhhh' in realization, as understanding finally strikes you.
Overall, I loved it.
Fangirl Rating: 4.5/5
7. Are We All Lemmings and Snowflakes? - Holly Bourne

I got this from a giveaway hosted by @nadirasworld on Instagram. It's an ARC copy of the book.
Starting off, amazing portrayal of mental illness. The storyline didn't quite pull me in,and was for the most part predictable, but I really enjoyed being in the mind of Olive. What her illness is, I won't say, as it is not revealed until later on in the book. But the portrayal seemed pretty accurate to me.
I would have liked it if the ending was a little less abrupt. But overall it was a nice read. The fast pacing helped too.
Fangirl Rating: 3.5/5
8. Things I Should Have Known - Claire LaZebnik

Finally read a YA contemporary this year that I actually enjoyed. I really liked Chloe, from whose perspective the entire book is narrated. It also had a pretty decent representation of autism, which was really helpful and informative for me, as I don't know a lot about being on the spectrum.
I also really, really liked David, who basically ignores humans and makes really smart and sassy comments when confronted with stupidity. Like, the whole can't-stand-stupidity thing was 100 percent relatable.
I also liked how the relationships between the Mitchell sisters and the Fields brothers were portrayed. Like, it isn't always lovey-dovey and there are times when Chloe is just done with Ivy. But then there are the times when all she wants to do is curl up with her sister and laugh at cat videos. I am a hundred percent here for this!
I don't really think I had anything that I did not like about the book. No character was demonized for the sake of making the protagonist or other main characters sound better, which I really appreciate. Like there is a part when Ethan, who is on the spectrum, freaks out in public and an old man gets scared and protectively moves his wife away. This wasn't shown as an inhuman gesture, rather Chloe seems to understand that people can be ignorant and this ignorance can lead to fear. That does not necessarily mean that they are terrible.
Overall, I would recommend this book if you're looking for a sweet, lighthearted, weekend read.
Fangirl Rating: 4.5/5
9. The Magician's Nephew - C.S. Lewis

This was a comfort reread. Narnia was a significant landmark of my childhood, so I am a 100 percent biased when I call it a must-read. It is an all time favorite for me and although it no longer evokes that wide-eyed wonder of the nine year old girl who first read it, I still enjoy going to Narnia once in a while.
That being said, this is my first time completely rereading any book in the series. I normally only read random parts, just to smile to myself and put it back on my shelf.
Fangirl Rating: 5/5
10. Sometime After Midnight - L. Philips

Boy, was this the Cinderella retelling I never knew I needed?
I am just so overwhelmed by my emotions right now, that it's kind of hard to form coherent thoughts and actual sentences. I kind of just want to squeal and melt into a puddle of happiness because that basically describes how this book made me feel. I couldn't stop reading and at the same time, I kept having to pause reading, just so I could take a moment to crazily grin to myself and not combust at the adorable-ness of this book. It was perfect. I loved it. 10/10 recommend if you ever need a good, happy read that will make everything seem better.
Nate is an absolute dork, and I couldn't stop gushing at Cam.
If there is any downside to this book (I assure you there are NONE), it was that I didn't quite get all the music stuff they were talking about. But their passion for music was written so beautifully, I couldn't help but take my guitar and strum a few chords myself.
Overall opinion, GO READ THIS NOW.
Fangirl Rating: 5/5
11. To Kill A Kingdom - Alexandra Christo

Have I mentioned an undying love for the enemies to lover trope? Like, it is the most fascinating thing to read a book wondering whether they're going to ram each other's heads into the nearest boulder or make out on said boulder or both!
So when I found out about To Kill A Kingdom whose main two characters are a siren princess and a siren hunter, I JUST HAD TO pick it up! The main couple of this book is basically each other's greatest enemy. Hell yes!
And as a cherry on top, it is a standalone novel. Finding a dragon egg is easier than a finding a book featuring a dragon egg whose story doesn't go on for 50 more books.
My point being, finding this book was a delight. And I had high expectations. I wouldn't call the book a disappointment by any stretch. But I most certainly would have liked stronger side characters and a less predictable story-line.
Overall, it's short and fast-paced, and can be finished in less than a day, so it's an easy read.
Fangirl Rating: 4/5
And that was my February! What about you? How many books did you read? Spot any favorites on this list? Let me know!