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Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Series Review

Finally done with the series! And yes, I still read Rick Riordan okay? Don't judge me for it. Percy Jackson was an important part of my pre-teen years and I will continue to read Rick Riordan till he stops writing (I really hope he doesn't).

Onto the review. I love Riordan books for its light-hearted narrative and humour, basically. And being the kind of no-genre-specification-required, if-it's-a-book-I-will-read-it kind of bibliophile that I am, I constantly suffer at the hands of paperbacks (and hardcovers). That being said, this is the kind of books I need once in a while in order to relax.

As always, my only complaint in the entire series was the lack of romance. I mean, Percy and Annabeth got much more of it than Magnus and Alex!

Also, what is up with the Magnus dates Alex thing? And before all of you social activists attack me, let me clarify that I'm not talking about the fact that Alex is gender-fluid. I don't really care about that. I'm lying really, I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THE FACT THAT IT IS A GAY AND A STRAIGHT SHIP AT ONCE AND MY SHIPPING HEART IS OVERJOYED.

But let's get back to the point before this becomes a rant on how much I ship all the couples I ship.

I was talking about the names. Where my Cassandra Clare fans at? Because Magnus Bane is with Alexander Lightwood. Remember? And the dedication in the first book of the series was to Cassandra Clare. 'Thanks for letting me borrow the excellent name Magnus'

And well, I don't really know what the point of me pointing it all out was. But well.

Overall, I really liked the series and it taught me quite a bit about Norse mythology. I hope to see Magnus again, maybe in The Apollo Trials?

Fangirl Rating: 4/5

also I found this really funny so I'm going to just discretely add it at the end....

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