Turtles All The Way Down - Book Review

The thing about John Green is that you either love him or you hate him. He is either a literary genius or a wannabe metaphorer (I just made that up. Essentially, someone who uses too many metaphors) who tries too hard to sound deep.
And though I'm surrounded by those belonging to the latter category, and hence often feel pressurised to do the same, I must confess that I'm secretly a huge fan of his work.
Turtles All The Way Down is a good read and I wasn't disappointed in the least. It's good to know that John Green hasn't lost his charm.
On the other hand, Aza Holmes is one hell of a character, and I was constantly floating between wonder and annoyance as I read through the book. The character development is wonderful, that's not the issue. Yet, to be inside the mind of person suffering from anxiety in such a specific manner was quite a ride.
At some points I just wanted to go into the book and scream at Aza to just stop. Stop thinking. Stop messing stuff up. Just stop going into your mind!!!
If only issues affecting one's mental health could be solved by someone yelling at them to stop. *sigh*
The way she was portrayed was overwhelmingly raw, to say the least.
As usual, there are quite a bit of ponderings and questionings of everything from teeny bacterias to galaxies that are miles away, whose very thought makes my head spin.
Overall, I loved it!
Fangirl Rating: 4/5