The Gentleman's Guide To Vice and Virtue - Book Review

Can I just say that if all authors knew their history as accurately as Mackenzi Lee did, we'd have a lot more awesome books. I absolutely adored this book. It had just the right amount of sass and humor, that would have made even Goldilocks proud.
Talking about right amounts, the diversity! It was not over done or worse, wrongly done. It was perfect. The diversity of the characters was just beautiful.
Character development was on point. The protagonist, Henry 'Monty' Montague, started off as an over-privileged, sassy, kinda self obsessed cupcake and ended up being much more nicer, still sassy, cupcake who could stand on his own two feet.
And can I also mention how much I adore badass women who don't take crap from anyone??? And how having Felicity in the book made it 776687 times better, because a girl! with! a mind!
And, the romance! More like, angst, because a) unrequited love, b) sodomy was still a crime when this story takes place. SO MUCH ANGST! Me likes!
Lastly, pirates. I have an almost unhealthy obsession with being a pirate, and no story can be a bad story if there are pirates in it. Aye, matey?
Overall, it was a great, fast paced and adorable story, and I might even possibly reread it soon. (And I haven't reread a book in like 4 centuries, so you should know how awesome this book is).
Fangirl Rating: 4/5