Words In Deep Blue - Book Review
Books about books are basically my favorite kind of books. I mean, what is there not to love?

I finished this one in less than a day, and my only complaint is... more! I want more! I want to read more of Henry the soft, adorable, confused bookworm (relatable content!), of Rachel, the smart, science-y (It's officially a word now, shush) swimmer, of George, the snarky little Goth sister, who is (not-so-)secretly a sweetheart, of Martin, the absolutely adorable sugar cupcake. Even Cal, although there won't be anything more to read about this geeky kid, who loves all things ocean and mystical-related.
I loved the plot, that follows Rachel Sweetie, as she returns to the town she grew up in after her brother's death.
I LOVED the setting. I mean, it's not a just any bookstore, it's a second hand bookstore. And the concept of the Letter Library was simply the most aesthetic book concept. Well, not quite, as I do hate writing or scribbling or in any way damaging a book. But since the Letter Library was exclusively for... thoughts and for, connecting people, I don't think I quite mind.
On the whole, the kind of heartwarming book everyone needs in their life.
Fangirl Rating: 4.5/5